
Welcome to Puojd. We are glad that you are interested in our offer. Puojd offers its products not only to individuals, but also to companies that want to stand out. Our customers include companies such as Volkswagen Slovakia, Tatra banka, the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak National Gallery, Dm Drogerie markt and West Slovak Energy. Our products are unique in terms of design, idea, elaboration and, last but not least, the fact that they are made in Slovakia.

Designer and founder of Puojda Michaela Bednárová, who has many years of experience in creating concepts for corporate or representative gifts, is responsible for highly professional creative processing based on your requirements. We can design and implement these for you from the ground up, or you can reach for our verified gift items on which we will place your company’s logo.
The processing time for a larger order ranges from 2 weeks to 12 months, depending on the quantity and type of products.

How to proceed when ordering?
Write to [email protected] with a request for a price quote for your selected product. In the email, it is necessary to indicate the approximate number of pieces you are interested in and any required design modifications. If you need the order by a certain date, please specify it.
We will then send you a price offer and an approximate delivery time.

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